During March 2019, star hotel RORs rose 9.00 points to 62.88 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Barat Regency

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During March 2019, star hotel RORs rose 9.00 points to 62.88 percent.

Release Date : May 2, 2019
File Size : 0.66 MB


Guests staying at star hotels during March 2019 amounted to 25,828 people, consisting of 25,376 people (domestic guests) and 452 people (foreign guests). In non-star hotels there were 55,942 people, consisting of 55,910 (domestic guests) and 32 people (foreign guests).
  • The number of guests staying at star hotels rose 23.44 percent, from 20,923 people (February 2019) to 25,828 people (March 2019). The number of guests staying in non-star hotels also rose 18.29 percent, from 47,292 people (February 2019) to 55,942 people (March 2019).
  • Cumulatively, the number of guests staying at star hotels rose 5.75 percent, from 65,212 people (January-March 2018) to 68,964 people (January-March 2019). The number of non-star hotel guests also rose 29.27 percent, from 119,424 people (January-March 2018) to 154,375 people (January-March 2019).
  • Star hotel room occupancy rates have risen 9.00 points, from 53.88 percent (February 2019) to 62.88 percent (March 2019). Non-star hotel RORs also rose 0.03 points, from 21.44 percent (February 2019) to 21.47 percent (March 2019).
  • Average length of stay (RLTM) star hotel (1.56 days), longer than non-star hotel guests (1.18 days).
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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