Socialization of Sectoral Metadata for Kotawaringin Barat Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kotawaringin Barat Regency

Socialization of Sectoral Metadata for Kotawaringin Barat Regency

Socialization of Sectoral Metadata for Kotawaringin Barat Regency

November 3, 2021 | Other Activities

For the realization of One Indonesian Data, BPS as the Data Trustees collaborated with Diskominfo as the Data Guardian and the Bappeda of West Kotawaringin Regency as the Coordinator collaborated in the implementation of Sectoral Metadata Socialization. Through this activity, it is hoped that all data produced by producers can be accompanied by metadata to make it easier for consumers to understand and find the data needed.

-November 3rd 2021-
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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